Tf2 Custom Loading Screen
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How to Customize Your TF2 Loading Screen
If you are bored of seeing the same old loading screen every time you launch Team Fortress 2, you might want to spice it up with a custom image of your choice. In this article, we will show you how to do that in a few simple steps.
Before we begin, you will need some tools and materials:
VTFEdit: a program that can convert images to Valve Texture Format (VTF) files. You can download it from here.
An image that you want to use as your loading screen. It should be at least 1024x768 pixels in size and preferably in 4:3 aspect ratio.
Team Fortress 2: obviously.
Once you have everything ready, follow these steps:
Open VTFEdit and click on File > Import. Browse to your image and select it. A window will pop up with some options. Make sure the following settings are checked: Auto Create VMT File, No Mipmap, No Level Of Detail, Clamp S and Clamp T. Click OK.
Click on File > Save As and name your file background_2fort.vtf. Save it in a folder of your choice.
Go to C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Team Fortress 2\\tf\\materials\\console and make a backup copy of the original background_2fort.vtf file. Then replace it with your custom one.
Launch TF2 and enjoy your new loading screen!
You can repeat this process for any other map loading screens by using the corresponding file names, such as background_badlands.vtf, background_dustbowl.vtf, etc. You can also customize the main menu background by following a similar method, as explained in this Reddit post.
We hope you found this article helpful and have fun with your custom TF2 loading screens!
GameBanana: a website where you can find and download various mods, skins, maps, sounds, and more for TF2 and other games.
Steam Workshop: a platform where you can browse, rate, and subscribe to user-created content for TF2 and other games.
Valve Developer Community: a wiki where you can find documentation, tutorials, and guides on how to create and edit content for TF2 and other Source engine games.
TFTools: a YouTube channel where you can watch videos on how to use various tools and programs for TF2 modding.
We hope you enjoyed this article and have fun with your custom TF2 loading screens and mods! ec8f644aee